Gianni Pirelli, Ph.D., ABPP is a Licensed Psychologist in New Jersey (#4975), New York (#019418), and Pennsylvania (#018980). He is also Board Certified in Forensic Psychology by the American Board of Professional Psychology (ABPP) and a Fellow of the American Academy of Forensic Psychology (AAFP). He received his Ph.D. in Clinical-Forensic Psychology from The Graduate Center at John Jay College of Criminal Justice (CUNY). His experience and training has been focused in four main areas: clinical practice, professional service, research and publication, and teaching – each of which is described below. Dr. Pirelli has experience in numerous clinical and clinical-forensic settings, many of which have included psychiatric and forensic-psychiatric centers and prisons, and his area of expertise is psychological assessment, particularly in the area of forensic evaluation. He has worked on cases at the county, state and federal levels, and he has conducted evaluations for matters in 19 of the 21 New Jersey counties, in addition to various other states, such as New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and California. Dr. Pirelli’s expertise and work has been highlighted in various media and press outlets: click here for Media & Press links. You may also click here to view Dr. Pirelli’s Curriculum Vitae and click here to view his biosketch.
You may also order the latest books by Dr. Pirelli and colleagues by clicking on them (promo code ASPROMP8):
Forensic Evaluations
(a) Risk Assessment/Diversion/Mitigation Evaluations: Pre-Trial & Sentencing
(b) Criminal Competencies (e.g., Fitness to Proceed, Miranda waiver)
(c) Insanity & Diminished Capacity/Mens Rea (Mental State at the time of the Offense/Crim. Responsibility)
(a) Personal Injury
(b) Employment Harassment/Discrimination/Wrongful Termination
(c) Civil Commitment, incl. Sexually Violent Predator (SVP) evaluations
(d) Civil Capacities (e.g., Guardianship)
(a) Gun Evaluations (new & return applicants – FPIC, etc./carry permits, gun forfeiture/reinstatement/”Red Flag” – TERPO/FERPO). CLICK HERE: GUN EVALS
(b) Mental Health Expungements
(c) Pre-Employment & Fitness-for-Duty
(d) Diagnostic/Treatment Evaluations
(e) Violence, Sexual, and Fire-setting Risk Assessment
(f) Immigration: Hardship/Asylum/Competency/N-648
(g) Voluntariness of Confessions and Interrogation-Related Matters
Dr. Pirelli provides expert testimony in forensic cases as well as consultation to attorneys, institutions, agencies, and other clinicians.
Dr. Pirelli also conducts clinical psychological assessments, which may include diagnostic evaluation, assessment of personality and intellectual/cognitive functioning, and additional types of testing to assist in treatment planning and decision-making.
Dr. Pirelli has provided numerous invited addresses and trainings for various groups, including mental health professionals, legal professionals, and community members: click here.
Dr. Pirelli has remained a very active member of the professional community for many years, with particularly significant involvement with the New Jersey Psychological Association and the American Psychology-Law Society (AP-LS) – Division 41 of the APA. For instance, he is the outgoing Editor of the NJ state psychological association’s journal, the New Jersey Psychologist, and served on its Editorial Board for nearly 10 years. He was also an Editorial Board Member for the leading forensic psychology journal, Law and Human Behavior, for 7 years. He has served as an ad-hoc reviewer for numerous other journals and publishers over the years. In sum, Dr. Pirelli has engaged in professional service for over 15 consecutive years.
Dr. Pirelli is the recipient of the *2024 Recipient of the Lawrence S. Wrightsman Book Award from AP-LS, Div. 41 of APA, for publishing “a scholarly book devoted to psychology & law issues – to recognize outstanding scholarship in psychology & law.” In addition, his research has been cited in amicus briefs to the United States Supreme Court (click here; see page 14) and to the New York Court of Appeals, the state’s highest court (click here; see pp. iii and 10). To view a press release from the American Psychological Association outlining Dr. Pirelli’s research associated which these citations, click here. Most recently, his research was cited in the 2020 final report of the U.S. Dept. of Justice (DOJ) President’s Commission on Law Enforcement and the Administration of Justice (click here; see page 50).
Dr. Pirelli maintains an active publication record and program of applied clinical-forensic research, which is focused on forensic evaluation and standards of practice in forensic psychology. Dr. Pirelli is the lead on three (3) books with Oxford University Press: “The Ethical Practice of Forensic Psychology: A Casebook” (2017), “The Behavioral Science of Firearms: A Mental Health Perspective on Guns, Suicide, and Violence” (2019), and “Guns and Clinical Practice: A Handbook for Medical and Mental Health Professionals” (2023). He has also co-authored chapters in books such as: Handbook of Forensic Psychology (4th Edition), Violent Offenders: Understanding and Assessment, Psychology in the Courtroom, and Civil Capacities in Clinical Neuropsychology: Research Findings and Practical Applications. His articles have been published in journals such as the Journal of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology, the Journal of Forensic Psychology Practice, Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, and Psychology, Public Policy and Law.
Please see Dr. Pirelli’s Curriculum Vitae to view a detailed list of his publications and presentations.
Dr. Pirelli has received numerous awards and grants for his research over the years, including the 1st Place Dissertation Award from the New Jersey Psychological Association, the 2nd Place Dissertation Award from the American Psychology-Law Society, Division 41 of the APA, and the Master’s Thesis Award: Best Thesis of 2006 from the New Jersey Psychological Association.
Dr. Pirelli has taught over 40 courses at the post-doctoral, graduate and undergraduate levels. He served as an Adjunct Professor in Montclair State University’s Post-Doctoral Certificate Program in Forensic Psychology, in Fairleigh Dickinson University’s Forensic Psychology M.A. program, and previously served as an Assistant Professor in Montclair State University’s Psychology Department and as an Adjunct Instructor at John Jay College of Criminal Justice for five years. Examples of courses he has taught are: Clinical-Forensic Interviewing, Mental Health Law, Criminal Responsibility and Competency, Abnormal Psychology, and Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology.
Dr. Pirelli can be reached via email at or by phone at 973-944-0810.